
A total of 264 women with preeclampsia have been chosen. They were randomly allocated either to the study group (N=132) or control group (N=132). Patients in either group had mild, severe or chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclkampsia. Patients in the study group were assigned to receive 20 mg furesemide plus potassium orally for 5 days only, while patient in the control group received none. Oral antihypertensive drugs were used only when diastolic blood pressure was eeither above 90 mmHg on 2 occasions, or 110 mmHg single reading. The total days for need of oral antihypertensive drugs as well as the total days spent inpatients were recorded. Patients with severe preeclampsia where categorized as those who have low platelets count as well as high serum liver enzymes in addition to the ordinary signs and symptoms of preeclampsia; hypertension, proteinurea and edema.

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