
Hyperglycemia, oxidative stress and apoptosis have key roles in pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. There are local renin-angiotensin systems (RASs) in different tissues such as neural tissue. Local RASs are involved in physiological and pathophysiological processes such as inflammation, proliferation and apoptosis. This study aimed to investigate the role of local renin-angiotensin system on high glucose-induced cell toxicity, apoptosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in PC12 cells, as a cell model of diabetic neuropathy. PC12 cells were exposed to a high glucose concentration (27 mg/ml), captopril (ACE inhibitor), telmisartan and losartan (AT1 antagonists), and also PD123319 (AT2 antagonist) were administered before and after induction of high glucose toxicity. Then cell viability was assessed by MTT assay and apoptotic cells and intracellular ROS production were detected by annexin V-propidium iodide and DCFDA, respectively, using flow cytometry. High glucose concentration decreased cell viability, and increased apoptotic cells. Intracellular ROS production was also increased. In PC12 cells pretreatment and treatment by the drugs showed a significant improvement in cell viability and reduced apoptosis in captopril, telmisartan and PD123319 but only captopril and telmisartan were able to reduce ROS production. Losrtan significantly lowered ROS but didn't show any improvements in cell viability and apoptotic cells. The results of the present study showed that RAS inhibitors reduced cell toxicity and apoptosis and ROS production was induced by high glucose. It may be suggested that local RAS has a role in high glucose toxicity.

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