
Objective: Positive psychological interventions have proven to help clients make life plans that give them a sense of fulfillment and importance. Such interventions help clients with goals, essential life factors, their sense of purpose or belonging, and their belief that life is worth living. Specifically, this research explored how mental health professionals addressing the topic of life purpose with those seeking treatment may affect a therapeutic relationship. Methods: Six individual interviews were conducted with mental health clinicians to investigate patterns involving a clients’ life purpose and therapy. Clinicians discussed in the interviews how a client's life purpose, transcendence of a higher power, external factors and interpretation of their sense of happiness affect the therapeutic relationship and mental health outcomes. Results: The study found that when the therapist consistently examined those topics with the client, it affected the therapeutic relationship by focusing the treatment plan, creating a smoother therapy process, providing motivation for therapy, and more effective treatment. Conclusion: The focused approach on the importance of a client's life purpose in the scope of the therapeutic relationship, provided psychological fulfillment to the client and gave the therapist a better understanding of the client.

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