
The Role of Kiai in implanting Leadership characte At Students of Al-Ishlah Islamic Boarding School Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan The purpose of the research are: 1. To know the teacher's role in implanting the leadership characteristics in the student of Al-Ishlah at Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan, 2. to know the inhibiting and supporting factors in implanting leadership characteristics in the student of Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan, 3. to know how the manager of a boarding school Overcome problems and obstacles. This research is a qualitative research using the phenomenological approach. To collect the data, the writer used four methods, the which are: 1. Observation method, 2. Interview method, 3. Documentary method, 4. Questionnaire method. while in ensuring the validity of the data The authors use three criteria Mentioned by moelong, the which are: credibility, dependence, and certainty. The results of this research show that the teacher's role in developing leadership in the student characteristics are: 1. acting as an exemplary role model, 2. correcting morals, 3. habituation. Inhibiting factors Consist of two types, internal and external factors 1. Internal factors include a lack of controlling personal. 2. External factors include parents' misunderstandings about the education of Reviews their children. The Efforts to resolve Reviews These obstacles: 1. Internal factors in controlling adding personnel from Oppi or STIQSI student. 2. External factors include doling out firm Punishments to the student who deviate from existing procedures. Based on the results of the research, the researcher may give the following suggestions: 1. ) The boarding school must strive to consistently provide students with a wholesome and proper education. 2.) Teachers must always show patience and persistence in developing the students' character especially when the students hail from many different regions 3.) It is hoped that both male and female students are Able to Increase Reviews their potential in order to understand the education that has been exemplified by Reviews their teachers through activities, guidance, and briefing.


  • Pesantren is an educational institution which was established on the basis tafaqquh fi al-din, An independent agency, and the agency for the benefit of the indigenous culture of Muslims to deepen their knowledge of Islam pengtahuan

  • According Asmani main role of an educator in the first character education is exemplary for an exemplary an essential factor that must be owned by an educator

  • "We start from the principle of education in this cottage, the main thing is that we instill in this hut is a moral, as well as religious values are embodied in the character, and depth of knowledge, either theology or social in general and change to English Arabic and the English "18

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Pesantren is an educational institution which was established on the basis tafaqquh fi al-din, An independent agency, and the agency for the benefit of the indigenous culture of Muslims to deepen their knowledge of Islam pengtahuan. The Pondok Pesantren Al-Ishlah has the objective to educate his students to become Muslims devoted to Allah, berakhlaqul karimah, insightful, character, independent skilled and dedicated to religion, society and the state.

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