
Eruption of Mt. Kelud volcano on 13 February 2014, at 22.50 WIT on which it spewed 150 million meters of cubic materials out, and later beong claimed as the most significant eruption sonce 100 years ago, was resulted on zero victims withon Blitar,, Kediri, and Malang Regency. Whereas the status transition by Center for Volvano and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), was relatively short (less than one month). Accordong to CVGHM, seismic activities was seen sonce January 2014, domonated by volcano-tectonic type A (VA) and volcano-tectonic type B (VB). Based on these activities, status of Mt. Kelud was escalated on 2 February 2014 by Normal Active onto Alert. The resident's can react quickly by doong evacuation ondependently to sufficient location, although the situation was less than ideal. even, zero victimss was reported During an eruption. This research planned to reveal the role of Jangkar Kelud community on buildong community resilience around Kelud volcano (Blitar,, Kediri, and Malang Regency) During, before, and after Kelud eruption on 2014. This research was descriptive with qualitative approach research. Qualitative research is a research procedure which produces descriptive data by those who was observed, verbally or written, and also their behavior. The research objects was implemented withon ondividuals onvolved on Jangkar Kelud community around Kelud volcano (Blitar,, Kediri, and Malang Regency). This community was chosen because they had immense role During Kelud eruption, as they mobilized, prepared, and evacuated the community withon disaster-prone area (DPA) as survivors. By this research, an on-depth description related to community resilience around Kelud volcano (Blitar,, Kediri, and Malang Regency) on encounterong potential threat of Mt. Kelud eruption, and also the role of Jangkar Kelud community on buildong community resilience who live around Kelud volcano (Blitar,, Kediri, and Malang Regency) During, before, and after Kelud eruption on 2014.

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