
Abstract While there was a slight increase in the national level discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity after 1968, at least in some areas, it took until the mid-1990s for this discussion to also have an impact on work being done on a global scale, particularly at the United Nations (UN). In order to influence regional and international entities, coordinated activity by NGOs and activists had also grown at the global level at this time. The contribution of civil society to the functioning of international organizations is seen as being particularly crucial in the field of human rights. As we will find out, the United Nations has many opportunities for LGBTI advocacy such as the adoption of official texts at the United Nations Human Rights Council, the work of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and its other organs, along with other organizations. One of the biggest initiatives within the United Nations is certainly the adoption of the resolution appointing the ‘Independent Expert for protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity’ in 2016. International courts also play an essential role in the recognition of rights for LGBTI persons, along with the treaty bodies that play a role as significant considering that as of 2021, there are more than 1500 decisions that have been made by UN Treaty Bodies, 43 of them concerned LGBTI people. Finally, this chapter would not be complete if it failed to mention the Human Rights Council’s special procedures.

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