
The role played by Indigenous knowledge (IK) cannot be underestimated. Besides IK firming the individual and community’s distinctiveness, its beliefs and practices are credited for holding strong cultural and social obligation on its members to promote well-being. In the wake of colonialism and subsequent capitalism, Indigenous practices and values have continued to crumble, leading to massive inequalities, poverty and ecological destruction. The study elucidates that there exist situated Indigenous economic knowledge, values that are significant in ensuring community’s well-being. The study was carried out among the Endorois community of Baringo County, using ethnographic approach and qualitative methods. Purposive sampling was done through community’s gatekeepers. Findings demonstrate that displacement of the African Indigenous economic system and adoption of neoliberal economic model could be causes of socio-economic and ecological crises in Africa. It concludes that the negative elements of the neoliberal capitalist model can be re-balanced by the adoption of African Indigenous economic practices.

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