
Investigations of the mRNA expression of apoptosis intracellular regulators, bcl-2 and bcl-xL antagonists and bax, bcl-xL agonists of cellular destruction as well as mRNA expression of IL-5 were carried out. As a result of investigation of potential role of IL-5 in the regulation of programmable bcl-2-dependent destruction we found the increase of vitality and mRNA expression stimulation of bcl-2 peripheral blood eosinophils in patients with bronchial asthma (BA). It was found that fresh-isolated peripheral blood eosinophils in all investigated groups expressed bax and bcl-xL mRNA, bcl-xS had the less activity. In peripheric blood eosinophils of healthy donors the bcl-2 expression was not found, however, the increase of mRNA expression by IL-5 was shown in group of patients with bronchial asthma and, possibly connected with this, the appearance of bcl-2 activity. Thus, the decrease of apoptotic activity in peripheral blood eosinophils in patients with bronchial asthma may lead to the increase of eosinophil portion that is subjected to necrotic destruction and this may significantly contribute into bronchial asthma pathogenesis.


  • Проведено исследование экспрессии мРНК внутриклеточных регуляторов апоптоза, антагонистов bcl-2 и bcl-xL и агонистов клеточной гибели bax, bcl-xS, а также экспрессии мРНК интерлейкина-5 (ИЛ-5)

  • As a result of investigation of potential role of IL-5 in the regulation of programmable bcl-2-dependent destruction we found the increase of vitality and mRNA expression stimulation of bcl-2 peripheral blood eosinophils in patients with bronchial asthma (BA)

  • It was found that fresh-isolated peripheral blood eosinophils in all investigated groups expressed bax and bcl-xL mRNA, bcl-xS had the less activity

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Материал и методы

Которые выделяли из периферической крови 20 здоровых доноров (группа контроля) и 20 больных бронхиальной астмой легкого и среднетяжелого течения. Больные БА в течение 4 нед перед исследованием не получали кортикостероидов (системных и ингаляционных), антилейкотриеновых препаратов, теофиллинов длительного действия. Контрольную группу составили доноры, у которых не выявлено БА и других аллергических заболеваний, гельминтных инвазий, с отрицательными результатами кожных аллергопроб.

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