
The article deals with the current state of the information technology market in Ukraine, the role of human capital and peculiarities of its influence on the country's foreign economic activity. The basic processes and tendencies of Ukrainian IT market functioning, the main prospects of IT sector development were analyzed as well as the main problems of the information technology market and directions of their solution. At present, the internal IT service market in Ukraine meets the following characteristics: minimization of IT service costs; infringement of intellectual property law; satisfactory demand for IT services; shortage supply of qualified IT specialists due to imbalances in the training of technical specialists in higher education institutions; imperfection of IT management in companies leads to the inability to implement the growth strategy. There are two main factors that stimulate the development of the internal IT sector: first, is a human capital situation; second, is a public policy and its priorities in supporting competitive industries. The key success factor of a rapid development of foreign economic activity in Ukraine is to establish balance between the external and internal IT service markets. In order to improve the foreign economic activity of Ukraine, it is necessary for the state and the owners of IT companies to force on the development of the internal IT service market as the low level of the internal market hinders the development of the external IT relationships. The internal sector is not attractive to IT companies usually because of low pay and poor management quality. Therefore, in our work we considered in details the problems related to human capital in the search of any opportunities for the development of foreign economic activity of our country. It was concluded that IT market will remain one of the most prospective sectors of Ukraine that develops its foreign economic activity.


  • В статье рассматривается современное состояние рынка информационных технологий Украины, роль человеческого капитала и особенности его влияния на внешнеэкономическую деятельность страны

  • The article deals with the current state of the information technology market in Ukraine, the role of human capital and peculiarities of its influence on the country's foreign economic activity

  • Запорукою стрімкого розвитку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності нашої країни є встановлення балансу між зовнішнім та внутрішнім ринками ІТ-послуг, у встановленні якого провідну роль має зіграти людський капітал

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В статье рассматривается современное состояние рынка информационных технологий Украины, роль человеческого капитала и особенности его влияния на внешнеэкономическую деятельность страны. THE ROLE OF HUMAN CAPITAL OF IT-SERVICES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF UKRAINE The article deals with the current state of the information technology market in Ukraine, the role of human capital and peculiarities of its influence on the country's foreign economic activity. Сьогодні обсяг експорту послуг і розвитку програмного забезпечення з України становить близько 2 мільярдів доларів на рік.

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