
COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed organizations and made HR personnel to think differently by considering new normal norms like social distancing, new work conditions that they may never have envisioned. To stop the spread of the coronavirus, organizations have changed to a Work from Home Model (WFHM), Remote Connections (RC) at a rate and scale, monitored and controlled by email and video conferencing. Sum and substance, HR Managers role has become more crucial and need to accomplish troublesome work under these unprecedented conditions. HR is worried about employee’s wellbeing and prosperity during the pandemic; they are under the strain of handling the deskwork and giving comfort to the large number of labourers simultaneously. HR has consistently been the front liner for workers and the HR's job in observing and keeping up has gotten significantly. Traditional HR is being supplanted with a comprehensive methodology utilizing trend setting innovations and being human driven too. HR managers are literally doing war with the difficulties of reclassifying their techniques on administration, ability, assorted variety while assessing their operational adequacy. The world stands up to different emergencies and COVID-19 being the greatest one right now which has hit the entire world and its economy. In this scenario, this research paper emphasised on role and challenges of HR during the pandemic.

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