
In 1957, I had the privilege of serving with Dr. Burney as the delegate to the Assembly of the World Health Organization. At that time the technical discussions were about hospitals, and we learned many things about the international aspects of hospitals. However, one fact stands out in my mind, and that is that a third of the population of the world has no hospitals. Thus, as far as the future is concerned, a third of the population has no hospital problem in the event of influenza. I shall not try to prophesy because, as you know, he who prophesies is either a fool or will be proved to be a fool. However, I should like to point out to you, through what has been done-what we know now-what the future might hold insofar as hospitals are concerned. This morning I am glad to represent hospitals, in the first place as a chief executive officer of the American Hospital Association representing the hospitals of the United States and Canada, and, second, as the first vice president of the International Hospital Federation. In the past two decades we have seen explosive scientific progress in all spheres of endeavor. Hospitals have felt the full effect of these advances in science, especially in the field of medicine and in management. We have done our best to keep pace and have found it most difficult at times. We have to provide the necessary facilities and the skilled personnel primarily for the care of the sick, but also, and most importantly, for research and education. In this connection, I think it is important for you to recognize that the percentage of space in a hospital which is assigned to direct patient care is constantly decreasing. Look around here in this great clinical center and you will see space required in this hospital for the adjunct facilities-for both research and education. Collectively, for the American Hospital Association and for the International Hospital Federation, we see our role as one of continuous awareness of all aspects of the problems involved: playing our part in the dissemination of information to the public and the hospital field,

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