
High mobility group box protein B1 (HMGB1) belongs to the HMG family, is widely expressed in the nucleus of digestive mucosal epithelial cells, mesenchymal cells and immune cells, and binds to DNA to participate in genomic structural stability, mismatch repair and transcriptional regulation to maintain normal cellular activities. In the context of digestive inflammation and tumors, HMGB1 readily migrates into the extracellular matrix and binds to immune cell receptors to affect their function and differentiation, further promoting digestive tract tissue injury and tumor development. Notably, HMGB1 can also promote the antitumor immune response. Therefore, these seemingly opposing effects in tumors make targeted HMGB1 therapies important in digestive cancer. This review focuses on the role of HMGB1 in tumors and its effects on key pathways of digestive cancer and aims to provide new possibilities for targeted tumor therapy.

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