
Trace elements are intimately involved in biological function and dysfunction at all levels of biological organization. At the molecular level, trace elements perform innumerable catalytic and structural roles in macromolecules and other cell constituents. At the cellular level, trace elements are necessary for maintenance and regulation of compartmentation of cell function, stimulus-response coupling, gene regulation, etc. Perturbations in trace element homeostasis and utilization at the molecular and cellular level is manifested in many disease states. Biological systems have evolved elaborate and diverse control mechanisms to provide for trace element homeostasis at the sub-cellular, cellular, and organismal levels. These critical functions of trace elements have profound influence on human health and disease states. Trace elements are well recognized as contribution factors in modifying development, aging, oncogenesis, and many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disorders.KeywordsLiver ParenchymaTrace Element ContentTrace Element AnalysisPerivenous RegionBile Acid SecretionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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