
The purpose of the study was to establish how the governance of theological education by extension (TEE) affect its performance in the Anglican church of Kenya. The study adopted agency Theory (problem) by Jensen and Meckling (1976) and stakeholders by Richard Edward freeman (1980). A survey was done and inferential statistics were obtained using SPSP. The respondents were 4 people from the sampled 10 dioceses out of the 32 dioceses in the A.C.K. The researcher adopted stratified simple random sampling technique, which was most appropriate for the intended purpose of the research. Majority of the respondents were of the view that there was no good corporate governance of the T.E.E ministry in the A.C.K .It was observed that the corporate governance is wanting, owing to the fact that Dioceses lack structures, systems and committees from the lowest levels (Congregation, Parish, Deanary, Archdeaconary) to the highest level (the Diocese and Province). The absence of good corporate governance translates to the current performance of the T.E.E ministry in the A.C.K. The study concluded that there are no functional systems, structures, processes and committees at all levels of governance, which is a key factor to performance. The study recommended that T.E.E committees should be constituted with functional structures and systems at all levels, which includes congregations, Parishes, Deanaries, Arch deaconaries, Dioceses, and the province. There is need for empowerment and facilitation on corporate governance at all levels.

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