
Despite an abundance of empirical research, scholars have noted a lack of theory to undergird work-family studies and have called for a greater focus on theory to truly advance understanding of the work-family interface (Eby, Casper, Lockwood, Bordeaux, & Brinley, 2005; Matthews, Wayne, & McKersie, 2016). As such, the current symposium brings together four empirical papers – three quantitative and one qualitative – that are well-grounded in motivation and identity theories to shed new light on the work-family interface. The culmination of these papers provide insights into how one’s identity (i.e., possible self, relational self) and motivation traits (i.e., regulatory focus, need satisfaction) can influence work and family – both domain-specific and personal life outcomes (i.e., well-being). Thus, this symposium offers a richer view of how the authentic self and motivated behavior can influence the work and family domains. The symposium will conclude with comments and discussion by prolific work-family scholar, Jeff Greenhaus, who will share his perspective on how these papers grounded in their theories and methodological designs, foster better understanding of the work-family interface. Mom, Dad, Employee?: The Transition Back to Work as a New Parent Presenter: Shannon Cheng; Rice U. Presenter: Brook Lu; Rice U. Presenter: Eden King; Rice U. “Who Am I Without Work?” How Relationship Aspirations Threaten the Work Devoted Self Presenter: Carrie Oelberger; U. of Minnesota Fluctuations in Conflict and Enrichment and Changes in Cynicism: The Impact of Regulatory Focus Presenter: Wayne S. Crawford; U. of Texas At Arlington Presenter: Nicolina Leeann Weaver; U. of Texas At Arlington Self-Determination Theory: How Being Your Authentic Self Influences Work and Family Outcomes Presenter: Marla White; UT Arlington Presenter: Julie Holliday Wayne; Wake Forest U. Presenter: Wendy J. Casper; U. of Texas At Arlington Presenter: Russell A. Matthews; U. of Alabama Presenter: Heather Odle-Dusseau; Gettysburg College

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