
e16503 Background: A collaborative work between medical oncologists and gastroenterologists (GEs) seems to be necessary in digestive oncology. So each partner gives his specific knowledge to the patients. The aim of this survey was to analyze the role of French GEs in the care of patients with digestive cancers. Methods: Between October 2007 and March 2008, 3,714 anonymous questionnaires were sent to French GEs, determining their profile, use of chemotherapy and involvement in therapeutic trials. Statistical analysis was carried out in the FFCD data center. Results: We collected 1,663 responses (45%). Responders were from private practices (48%), general hospitals (GH) (27%) and academic hospitals (AH) (15%). Among the responders, 24% of the GEs from private practice, 40% from GH, and 55% from AH said they devoted more than 30% of time to digestive oncology. Most of the GEs (89%) participated weekly or twice weekly in multidisciplinary staff meetings. Indications for chemotherapy were identified by 886 GEs (53%). Chemotherapy prescriptions were carried out by 591 GEs, 364 GEs (22%) prescribed all courses of chemotherapy that they carried out, whereas 227 (14 %) prescribed only some of the courses. Involvement in clinical trials was reported by 476 GEs. Most of these trials took place in Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer (87%) or AH (74%); a smaller proportion involved GH (28%) and private clinics (13%). The geographic analysis including the prevalence of colonic cancers in France showed that the proportion of GEs prescribing chemotherapy was higher in regions with fewer oncologists (oncologists + GE-oncologists) per inhabitant with colonic cancer. Conclusions: Digestive oncology now accounts for a major part of the activity of many French GEs. The GEs and oncologists seem to play complementary roles in chemotherapy, with a special involvement of the GEs in areas poor in oncologists. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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