
Forest has a crucial role in elevating public welfare. It provides various products such as food, beverages, clothes, residence, musical instruments, and medicines. The medicines originated from the forest could act as the supplier for livelihood particularly for a traditional healer. The traditional healer is one of the health treatments sources for the people of Sebesi Island. For traditional healers, the forest is also beneficial in the knowledge production of traditional medication. This study purposes to examine the role of the forest in knowledge production carried out by traditional healers and identify the patterns of knowledge production. Data collection was done through interviewing, involving four traditional healers in Tejang Village, Sebesi Island, South Lampung. Another method was literature study related to the roles of forests in traditional medication and knowledge production. The knowledge production process can occur through giving agents, both human and non-human ones, namely teachers, family members, books, and dreams. The interaction between those healers with the forest also resulted in the medication knowledge. The role of the forest in the knowledge production of traditional medication is that it transforms into a place for semedi or meditation when doing ngelmu, knowledge sources about medication, and the place for the existence of medicinal plants.

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