
The article considers the problem of the formation of professional mobility in the training of future specialists in non-linguistic universities, which has recently gained particular relevance due to the growing role of foreign language communication in the professional activities of future specialists.The requirements of higher education aimed at training competitive future specialists are taken into account. Foreign language education today becomes at the same level with professional education, integrates with it and significantly affects the success and competitiveness of future specialists in the labor market. This circumstance underlines the need to change the purpose, content, process and form of organization of the educational process of foreign language teaching. Actuality of the research topic is a result of the modernization of higher education and aimed at finding effective ways to train future specialists, meeting all the latest requirements of the labor market.The concept of “professional mobility” is considered. The role of foreign language in the formation of professional mobility in the training of future specialists in non-linguistic universities in the context of professional mobility is analyzed, the opportunities offered for higher education future specialists with foreign language skills are described.Modern higher education, as a channel of professional mobility, can help future specialists in vocational and personal development with professional mobility to become competent future specialists, creating specific pedagogical conditions and, thereby, the basis for their self-realization in the difficult social, economic, political conditions of society.
 Keywords: foreign languages, training, professional mobility, future specialists, non-linguistic higher education institution, formation of professional mobility, competitive future specialists, foreign language communication, professional activity.

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