
The present research featured educational and demonstration handicraft workshops in the Tomsk Province in the early XX century. The research objective was to determine the general course and features of the workshops that played a significant role in the modernization of technology and handicrafts in the region, along with other institutions of the Tomsk State Handicraft Committee, e.g. museums, warehouses, and libraries. The workshops became an important part of vocational education. A major role on the state level belonged to the administration of land management and agriculture and the Imperial Russian technical society. In the Tomsk province it belonged to the Tomsk Provincial Handicraft Committee and the Tomsk Department of the Russian Technical Society. By 1917, seventeen settlements in six parishes of the Province had seventeen workshops in nine areas of handicraft industry. Weaving, wagon-making, and agricultural engineering workshops predominated. They became centers for the development of vocational education and the popularization of new technologies. They organized educational support workshops for the adult population, sold modern machinery and materials, built warehouses for handicrafts and repair shops, instructor schools, etc. The network of workshops, along with vocational educational institutions, became the basis for the Soviet system of vocational education in Siberia in the post-revolutionary period. The paper contains an analysis of researches and historical sources. The results helped to fill the gaps in the history of vocational education in the South of Western Siberia.


  • The research objective was to determine the general course and features of the workshops that played a significant role in the modernization of technology and handicrafts in the region, along with other institutions of the Tomsk State Handicraft Committee, e.g. museums, warehouses, and libraries

  • The workshops became an important part of vocational education

  • A major role on the state level belonged to the administration of land management and agriculture and the Imperial Russian technical society

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История и археология

Роль учебно-показательных мастерских в развитии профессиональнотехнического образования и подготовки кадров для кустарной промышленности Томской губернии в начале XX в. А. Роль учебно-показательных мастерских в развитии профессионально-технического образования и подготовки кадров для кустарной промышленности Томской губернии в начале XX в. Открытие низших профессионально-технических школ и УПМ было актуально для Томской губернии начала XX в., население которой только за 1897–1915 гг. Открытие Томского губернского кустарного комитета и его роль в создании сети учреждений для развития кустарных промыслов Поскольку работа по развитию кустарного производства в губернии, как уже отмечалось, проходила под руководством ГУЗиЗ, то эта задача изначально была возложена на местное управление переселением, а затем губернское управление земледелием и государственными имуществами. Задачей УПМ было не только обучение населения передовым приемам ткацкого производства, но и оказание технического и экономического влияния на развитие ткачества в населенных пунктах в районе мастерской (снабжение кустарей орудиями труда по льготной цене и материалами по ценам заготовки, посредничество между кустарями и рынком сбыта). Educational and demonstration workshops in the Tomsk Province (April 1917)

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History and Archeology
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