
The main aspects of the activities of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian liberation movement Dmytro Myron in 1939–1942 are analyzed. The beginning of his political way and participation in the interwar struggle for the independence of Ukraine is reflected. The position of D. Myron in the nationalist environment on the eve of the Second World War has been clarified. The main aspects of the book «Idea and Activity of Ukraine» are analyzed. Myron’s theoretical views on the problem of the state system in independent Ukraine are revealed. The vision of democracy by the figure is illuminated. The critical attitude of the OUN ideologist to the blind imitation of Nazi Germany is researched. The point of view of D. Myron on the differences between Ukrainian nationalism, German nazism, and Italian fascism is revealed. His ideas on uniting the enslaved nation are characterized. The view of the theoretician of nationalism on the place of Ukraine in the international arena as an independent entity is analyzed. The role of D. Myron in the formation of the revolutionary OUN in 1940–1941 is researched. The main aspects of his activity as a conductor of the OUN(r) in the sub-Soviet lands of Ukraine are characterized. D. Myron’s measures to prepare a national revolution by expanding the nationalist network, consolidating patriotic forces, and preparing a liberation rebellion are analyzed. The participation of D. Myron in an attempt to create the state of the OUN(r) in 1941 is revealed. The underground work of D. Myron as the first conductor of the OUN(r) in the middleeastern lands is characterized. The features of the activist’s approach to the development of the nationalist network in the Dnieper Ukraine are researched. Based on the memoirs of subordinates, leadership and personal aspects of activity of D. Myron are characterized. The participation of the figure in the first and second conferences of the OUN (r) 1941–1942 is highlighted. The circumstances of the death of D. Myron are revealed. The values of the ideological legacy of the figure for the nationalist underground are analyzed. D. Myron’s important contribution to the development of the Ukrainian liberation movement was stated. Keywords Dmytro Myron, ukrainian nationalist movement, OUN ideology, II World War, revolutionary OUN, national revolution.

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