
In this study, we compare the dynamical properties of chaotic and nearly integrable time-dependent focusing billiards with elastic and dissipative boundaries. We show that in the system without dissipation the average velocity of particles scales with the number of collisions as ̅V∝n(α). In the fully chaotic case, this scaling corresponds to a diffusion process with α≈1/2, whereas in the nearly integrable case, this dependence has a crossover; slow particles accelerate in a slow subdiffusive manner with α<1/2, while acceleration of fast particles is much stronger and their average velocity grows super-diffusively, i.e., α>1/2. Assuming ̅V∝n(α) for a non-dissipative system, we obtain that in its dissipative counterpart the average velocity approaches to ̅V(fin)∝1/δ(α), where δ is the damping coefficient. So that ̅V(fin)∝√1/δ in the fully chaotic billiards, and the characteristics exponents α changes with δ from α(1)>1/2 to α(2)<1/2 in the nearly integrable systems. We conjecture that in the limit of moderate dissipation the chaotic time-depended billiards can accelerate the particles more efficiently. By contrast, in the limit of small dissipations, the nearly integrable billiards can become the most efficient accelerator. Furthermore, due to the presence of attractors in this system, the particles trajectories will be focused in narrow beams with a discrete velocity spectrum.

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