
"In a multipolar geopolitical landscape, the proliferation of threats to nation-states is escalating, necessitating the cultivation of military capabilities commensurate with contemporary exigencies and proficiency in safeguarding national interests. Within the intricate framework of a nation’s military prowess, paramount importance is ascribed to its defense forces, whose primary mandate is the execution of defensive functions. This paper aims to systematically scrutinize the influence exerted by defense forces on the military potential of contemporary nations. The principal method employed in this study is the comparative approach, facilitating the elucidation of the position and contribution of human resources in fortifying the military potential of states through the evaluation of multiple criteria. The primary criteria considered for conducting the comparative analysis encompass population size, the aggregate strength of defense forces along with their constituent elements, and the mobilization resource. Through correlation analysis, discernible interrelations between these indicators have been identified. The investigation ascertained that the concept of “military potential” is intricate, encompassing the entirety of both material and spiritual resources within a state that is indispensable for safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, the multifaceted nature of this definition, coupled with a considerable array of influencing factors governing the formation and evolution of military potential, introduces complexity into the process of state ranking and the development of global indices. The study reveals that economically more advanced states demonstrate a capacity for higher defense expenditure, and the size of defense forces exhibits a discernible correlation with the population, albeit not conclusively determinative. It is established that larger defense forces may exhibit inferior quality owing to their composition, inclusive of a substantial presence of reserves and paramilitary units. Simultaneously, no direct correlation is observed between the means of manning defense forces and the quality thereof."

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