
Suppose that $R$ is a 2 dimensional excellent local domain with quotient field $K$, $K^*$ is a finite separable extension of $K$ and $S$ is a 2 dimensional local domain with quotient field $K^*$ such that $S$ dominates $R$. Suppose that $\nu^*$ is a valuation of $K^*$ such that $\nu^*$ dominates $S$. Let $\nu$ be the restriction of $\nu^*$ to $K$. The associated graded ring ${\rm gr}_{\nu}(R)$ was introduced by Bernard Teissier. It plays an important role in local uniformization. We show that the extension $(K,\nu)\rightarrow (K^*,\nu^*)$ of valued fields is without defect if and only if there exist regular local rings $R_1$ and $S_1$ such that $R_1$ is a local ring of a blow up of $R$, $S_1$ is a local ring of a blowup of $S$, $\nu^*$ dominates $S_1$, $S_1$ dominates $R_1$ and the associated graded ring ${\rm gr}_{\nu^*}(S_1)$ is a finitely generated ${\rm gr}_{\nu}(R_1)$-algebra. We also investigate the role of splitting of the valuation $\nu$ in $K^*$ in finite generation of the extensions of associated graded rings along the valuation. We will say that $\nu$ does not split in $S$ if $\nu^*$ is the unique extension of $\nu$ to $K^*$ which dominates $S$. We show that if $R$ and $S$ are regular local rings, $\nu^*$ has rational rank 1 and is not discrete and ${\rm gr}_{\nu^*}(S)$ is a finitely generated ${\rm gr}_{\nu}(R)$-algebra, then $\nu$ does not split in $S$. We give examples showing that such a strong statement is not true when $\nu$ does not satisfy these assumptions. We deduce that if $\nu$ has rational rank 1 and is not discrete and if $R\rightarrow R'$ is a nontrivial sequence of quadratic transforms along $\nu$, then ${\rm gr}_{\nu}(R')$ is not a finitely generated ${\rm gr}_{\nu}(R)$-algebra.

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