
Background: University students often face challenges to adjust to a new environment. The challenges include: - adjustment to university, peer groups, and new academic atmosphere. These challenges possibly lead students to personal crisis, emotional disturbance, stress, and academic failure. Counseling service can help mitigate adjustment problem facing university students. The main objective of this study is to identify the roles of counseling service center and its implementation in Madda Walabu University (MWU).Methods: Explorative qualitative research was conducted on Madda Walabu University (MWU) students’ counselor and concerned management bodies in March 2016. Accordingly, four management bodies; the President, the Academic Vice President, the Student Dean and Student Counselor were purposefully selected for in-depth interview. Besides, international, national and organizational documents were analyzed on thematic basis.Results: Result of study showed that the counseling center of MWU lacked intra-organization network, administrative independence and autonomy. Besides, the service providers were not counselors by profession; the center did not have network with relevant domestic and international organizations, and there was poor client data base management. In addition, MWU counseling center fell short to meet national and international standards.Conclusion: There is increased need for counseling service in university. Standardization of counseling service center, allocation of sufficient materials and human resources, collaboration with relevant bodies is needed to improve the role and practice of the center. Lastly, the importance of crisis interventions, professional development, and academic skills training are recommended to be included under the functions of the center.

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