
In the 1950s, there were considerable changes in both second language instruction and learning. The transition from teacher-centred to student-centred learning has totally altered the structure of second language teaching, and the process is still going strong. Consideration of incorporating new methods, technology, and devices has become an integral aspect of language classrooms. The involvement of teachers in this phenomenon is critical and unavoidable. Teachers are now eager to understand their students' individual requirements and are looking for methods and activities that might bring about a revolution in the realm of second language teaching. They select the most appropriate and pertinent strategy based on the personalities and attitudes of their students. Due to which, it is essential to give their professional growth top priority so they are prepared to handle today's problems and decide what is best for their students. The study uses a qualitative interview approach to ascertain how technology influences language instructors' professional development with a focus on computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Recommendations are made to improve the professional development of language teachers based on the respondents' answers to the interview questions.

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