
This study aims to examine the influence of various learning resources in personal, social, and institutional contexts on online learning experiences, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic era. This was an attempt to examine the impact of personal persistence, collaborative learning, and digital lecture skills on electronic satisfaction as well as on learning engagement. This study was based on cross-sectional survey which spread online questionnaire to the students of selected higher education in Nigeria. The sampling method was convenience - a non-probabilistic approach. This study successfully involved 106 students from three private universities in Nigeria (80%) - Caritas University, Gregory University, and Madonna University. The respondents were equally distributed into male (51%) and female (49%). Most of them has age below than 26-year-old (80%). They are mostly in first and second semester (92%) in regular program (79%) at 200 level (23%0, 300 level (25%) and graduated (23%).The research model was constructed by five variables, such as: Learning Engagement (LENG), e-Satisfaction (ESAT), Personal Perseverance (GRIT), Collaborative Learning (COLE), and Digital Lecturing Skill (DLEC). Those variables are described into second order constructs which each variable is reflected into its dimensions and each dimension was measured by its items or indicators. All variables were measured by instruments adapted from previous studies Keywords: Learning Engagement, Collaborative Learning, E-Satisfaction

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