
Background: The usage of supplements becomes an important part of everyone health since many of these materials have produced real improvement in general health. These materials are not approved by organization like Food and Drug Administration in the US and the Food Safety Authority in Europe as drugs but their usage as supplement are approved globally. The supplements that will discuss in this review is co-enzyme Q10. It is a potent antioxidant and an essential part of respiratory chain. It acts as a mobile electron carrier between respiratory complexes. When co-enzyme Q10 transfer electron in the oxidative system, it acts to transport proton out of the mitochondria and this produce concentration gradient across membrane. Proton returns inside by enzymatic machine which involved ATP synthesis. Co-enzyme Q10 is the third wide-world used supplement. There are many studies confirm it benefit in many clinical conditions. These include the cardiovascular system, protection against statin induces myopathy, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease in addition to improvement in liver functions. These benefits occurred mainly due to its antioxidant effect and electron scavenging ability which result in reducing oxidative stress and related cell and tissue damage.Objective This study tries to show the important role of coenzyme Q10 in energy production and spots the light toward the main clinical application of this supplement. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the main elements in the respiratory chain and it is endogenously synthesis since its presence is essential for life. Its availability may reduce in many disease conditions so supplementation of it within diet may become important in management of various disorders.


  • The usage of supplements becomes an important part of everyone health since many of these materials have produced real improvement in general health

  • Besides getting correct nutritional information from healthcare workers, users should be educated about the extent of available scientific information for particular indication of supplement, in addition, the interactions, precautions, and safe dose of the ingredients

  • The exact details about electron transport in are still not fully understood, still, it has suggested that coenzyme Q10 is reduced and reoxidized in two times after that, electrons transferring to another lightly bound co-enzyme Q10 to produce ubiquinol which travels across the lipid of mitochondrial membrane to the another complex where ubiquinol oxidation occurred again in and this happens with the transfer of protons against it concentration gradient across membrane [12, 13]

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This study tries to show the important role of coenzyme Q10 in energy production and spots the light toward the main clinical application of this supplement. ‫ هناك العديد من الدراسات التي تؤكد فعاليذة‬.‫ ثالث أكثر المكملات الغذائية المستخدمة عالميا‬Q10 ‫يعتبر الانزيم المساعد‬ ‫ أظهذرت الدراسذات أهميذة كبيذرا لهذذا المكمذإ الغذذائي فذي عذلاج‬.‫ فذي العديذد مذن الحذالات المرضذية‬Q10 ‫الانزيم المسذاعد‬ ‫ وكذلك في الحماية من الاعتلال العضلي الذي يتسبب عن المرضذى المسذتخدمين‬،‫اضطرابات القلب واةوعية الدم ية المتصلة‬ ،‫ وكذلك يعتقذد ان لذه ور فعذال فذي العذلاج وال قايذة مذن مذر السذكري‬،statin ‫للعقارات الخافضة للده ن من مجم عة الذ‬ ‫ يعتقذد ان فعاليذة الانذزيم‬.‫بالإضافة الى ورا الفعال في السيطرا علذى العديذد مذن اةمذرا العصذبية وتحسذين وظذائك الكبذد‬ ‫ المضا ا للأكسدا وقدرته على ازالة الإلكترونات ومنع تك ين الجذذور الحذرا وبالتذالي تقليذإ الإجهذا التأكسذدي‬Q10 ‫المساعد‬. ‫ في انتاج الطاقة وتسلط الض ء على التطبيقذات العلاجيذة‬Q10 ‫تحاول هذا الدراسة اظهار الدور المهم للإنزيم المساعد‬ ‫ أحد العناصر الرئيسية في السلسلة التنفسية وه من الم ا التذي‬Q10 ‫ يعد الإنزيم المساعد‬.‫السريرية التي قد يك ن له ور فيها‬ ‫ ولكن قد يصاحب بعض الحذالات المرضذية او يذؤ ي اسذتخدام بعذض العقذارات الذى‬،‫يمتلك الجسم القابلية على تصنيعها اخليا‬ ‫ لذا فإن تناوله في ضمن النظذام الغذذائي ربمذا‬،‫ وهذا قد يقلإ تراكيزا اخإ الجسم‬Q10 ‫اضطرابات في تصنيع الانزيم المساعد‬

Signification of supplements
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