
The article analyzes the role, significance and influence of civil society on the formation of ethno-national unity policy in Ukraine. The prospects for solving the specified issues by improving national legislation in the field of state ethnopolitics are outlined.The specified topic analyzes the norms of the Constitution, the Laws of Ukraine «About National Minorities in Ukraine», «About Local Self-Government in Ukraine», «About Public Associations», the Electoral Code, as well as the Declaration of the Rights of Nationalities of Ukraine.Based on the analysis, in order to improve the legal base, which regulates relations in the field of national minorities, changes to the Constitution of Ukraine, developing of a new edition of the Law of Ukraine «About National Minorities in Ukraine» were proposed.Due to the lack of understanding of the concept of national-cultural autonomy, its place among other public institutions, the expediency of developing and adopting the laws of Ukraine «About national-cultural autonomy» and «About the Concept of State Ethnic Policy of Ukraine» was expained. It is determined that national-cultural autonomy has nothing to do with the administrative-territorial division of the state and the right to use representatives of national minorities, regardless of their accommodation, which is especially relevant for dispersed minorities. The proposed laws should correspond to the challenges of modern times, and in their basis a model of cooperation and partnership between civil society and the state must be placed.The necessity of developing and adopting the Law of Ukraine «About the procedure for attracting public associations to the process of formation and implementation of state policy in Ukraine», which will provide an opportunity to improve the mechanism of implementing the state responsibility before civil society, ensuring its systematic and consistent character was discovered.

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