
"Passing from school to the labour market requires support, advice, and guidance. The rapid advancement of technology in the maritime industry, the wide range of duties, and ever-changing job placement from ashore to remote sites or on board vessels, put many treats on the future employees. This article describes how career counselling is integrated into the process of supporting VET learners in making decisions about future careers in three European countries and how this process is perceived by learners. The research comprised a literature review to reveal the approach with regard to career counselling and analysis of data collected with a survey questionnaire. The 88 responses emphasized learners' views regarding the career counsellor’s actual role and provided an understanding of their expectations for making the transition toward the labour market. The questions addressed groups of people that decided to continue their studies and get a job and those undecided. Participants explained the motivator factors for making the career choice, the main sources of career information, and their expectations from the future job. This article explores the extent to which the professionals and counsellors would contribute to making the decisions and the types of interaction that are expected to produce positive results and engagement. The results indicate that teachers and parents are currently contributing to making the final career decision. Even though, the input of professionals is highly expected by all groups of participants. Respondents emphasized that challenges, dynamism in the workplace as well as the variety of tasks are those factors that would make them stay in a job. The authors concluded that to be effective, the career counselling of young learners needs to be enriched with jobspecific insights provided by professionals. The research conclusions draw up the VET learners' main expectations that can be used to guide further career counselling activities. "

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