
Task statement. At the current stage of development of financial relations, it is important to improve the mechanism of managing budget expenditures in order to improve the quality of public services, efficient use of resources and enhance the impact of budget policy on socio-economic progress. Optimal management of budget expenditures requires solving several key tasks, including cost optimization, program prioritization, transparency, support for innovation, sustainability of financial resources, etc. Thus, scientific research in this area is an important source for the successful implementation of budget policy and achievement of positive results in the country's socio-economic progress. Research results. An analysis of Ukraine's budget in recent years has shown that a significant increase in defense spending (from 8.56% to 42.24%) indicates increased attention to strengthening the country's national security and defense capabilities, which is related to Russia's full-scale invasion. There is an increase in spending on social protection and social security (from 22.77% to 15.75%). This is due to support for citizens affected by the war. Changes in other categories of expenditures are less noticeable. For example, environmental protection and housing and communal services remained at a low level, while others, such as economic activity and education, have moderate growth. Overall growth of expenditures. The total central fiscal expenditures increased from UAH 1,490,258.9 million to UAH 2,705,423.3 million. This indicates a general increase in the state's financial expenditures, which is due to the growing need for financing as a result of economic, social and geopolitical challenges. Budget deficit. The planned budget balance (deficit) in 2022 amounted to UAH -1,296,536.2 million, which indicates a lack of budget funds to cover all planned expenditures. This indicates the need to find additional sources of funding and optimize expenditures. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of changes in the structure of expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine, the following recommendations can be offered to optimize the financing of socio-economic development needs: balance between defense and social security, optimization of expenditures, diversification of funding sources, creation of reserves, efficient use, priority of social development, etc.

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