
Various things related to Halal Product Certification, which apparently is still difficult toimplement in the context of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises assisted by Baznas Sumenep, namelyat Lenteng Market, Sumenep Regency. This is because Micro, Small and Medium business actors areinconsistent with their business and business actors have difficulties with capital. This research aims :First, to determine the role of Baznas Sumenep in Supporting Halal Product Certification for Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises in Lenteng Market. The second obstacle is Baznas Sumenep insupporting Halal Product Certification for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises it supports,namely at Lenteng Market through the distribution of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds. The type ofresearch used is descriptive qualitative with data sources obtained through observation, interviews anddocumentation. The results obtained from this research say that with the existence of Halal ProductCertification for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Baznas Sumenep strongly agrees with theexistence of Halal Certification. Apart from that, Baznas Sumenep itself has not focused on HalalCertification because Baznas itself does not have significant authority where Baznas only focuses oncapital assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Lenteng Market. Baznas Sumenep itselfhas five work programs incluiding, Sumenep Peduli, Sumenep Taqwa, Sumenep Smart, SumenepHealthy and Sumenep Prosperous. Which in the Sumenep Makmur program is tasked withcoordinating the distribution of Zakat, Infaq and sadaqah to mustahik in the form of empowerment orutilization . in empowerment or utilization, namely those related to working capital assistance, workequipment assistance and capital assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in LentengMarket.Keywords : Halal Certification, Micro,Small and Medium bussiness, Zakat, Infaq,sadaqah Funds

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