
The role of reorganization measures in improving the financial condition of troubled banks in Ukraine in order to increase public confidence in banking system is investigated in this paper. It is noted that instability of the banking system of Ukraine reduces the liquidity of banking institutions, can result in bankruptcy. The application of ineffective rehabilitation tools can lead to the institution dissolution. It reduces the level of public confidence in banking system of Ukraine. Five main factors of the low level of public confidence in banking system of Ukraine (massive bank closing, low financial literacy of the significant part of people, «shadowing» of the national economy, lack of effective rehabilitation mechanisms due to absence of comprehensive management policy, macroeconomic instability) are presented.The peculiarities of the bank's bankruptcy, the reasons for the deterioration of solvency in comparison with other business structures are considered. The main methods of financial recovery of commercial banks in order to prevent loss of solvency and bankruptcy in Ukraine are considered. It is noted that the bank's reorganization mechanism should provide not only direct reorganization measures, but also comprehensive diagnosis of insolvency and bankruptcy, timely detection of insolvency risk. The main disadvantages of the current practice of reorganization, particularly, the peculiarities of meeting the needs of the bank's clients since the recognition of its financial insolvency are considered. The main measures for the improvement of financial mechanism of bank rehabilitation increasing confidence in the banking system of Ukraine as a whole (formation of banking consortia, improvement of competence and skills of the bank temporary administration, detailed development of the legal mechanism of practical rehabilitation measures implementation, involvement of the representatives of the Deposit Guarantee Fund into the process of troubled banks search and carrying out reorganization measures, development of the program of informing the population about actions in emergency situations by the Deposit Guarantee Fund) are proposed.

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