
The digitalization of HR processes has transformed the way organizations operate, improving efficiency and streamlining operations. However, this digital transformation also introduces a new set of risks that organizations need to address to ensure the security and integrity of their HR data.This research paper examines the crucial role of audit in mitigating these risks associated with the digitalization of HR processes. The study examines the various risks that organizations face in the digital era, including data breaches, unauthorized access, and system failures. It explores the potential vulnerabilities and challenges that emerge with the adoption of digital HR systems and highlights the need for a robust audit framework to ensure data integrity, privacy, and protection. It discusses how audit procedures and controls can help identify vulnerabilities and provide assurance over the effectiveness of controls implemented to manage these risks. The research paper also identifies key strategies and best practices that organizations can implement to effectively audit their digital HR processes and enhance risk management. The objective is to analyze how auditors can contribute to ensuring the security, reliability, and compliance of digital HR processes. The paper examines the specific risk areas associated with HR digitalization, including data privacy, cybersecurity, accuracy, and regulatory compliance. Drawing upon existing literature and case studies, the research highlights the importance of audit procedures, such as control testing, vulnerability assessments, and data analytics, in addressing these risks. It further explores the challenges auditors may encounter, such as the need for specialized knowledge and the dynamic nature of technology. The findings emphasize the need for effective auditing strategies to enhance organizational resilience against digital HR risks. This paper is expected to contribute to the academic literature on HR digitalization and provide practical insights for auditors and HR professionals to effectively navigate the risks associated with the digital transformation of HR processes

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