
A scientific subject called artificial intelligence (AI) aims to create computer systems that function as efficiently as a skilled human does. Such effectiveness can substantially improve education by utilising the most cutting-edge technologies. To determine the level of AI awareness among Al Ain University faculty members and to investigate the connections between AI awareness, the digital transformation scale (DTS), and the technological, scientific scale (TSS), this study set out to measure that awareness. The descriptive-correlational research technique of the study included three analyses, with a particular focus on AI, DTS, and TSS. 101 academics, or 43.5% of the College of Education faculty, were represented in the sample from all departments. They were chosen using a simple random sampling technique. The quantitative data analysis revealed that the faculty members exhibited a medium level of awareness, with a mean score of 3.05 on a 5-point scale. A correlation value of 0.139 and a significance coefficient of 0.165 indicated no statistically significant correlation between faculty members’ awareness of AI and DTS. With a correlation of 0.568 and a significance level of P <0.01, the study found that among faculty members, there was a direct and statistically significant positive link between AI awareness and TSS. It is essential to prepare faculty members for using AI in the classroom and to modify their perspectives on it by holding seminars and providing them with the training they need to do so.

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