
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is classically known as a hormone, but it also acts as a neurotransmitter that binds V1a receptors in the central nervous system. V1a receptors are expressed at high levels early in postnatal life in cranial and spinal motoneurons. While AVP receptor expression levels decrease in some cranial motoneuron populations with increasing developmental age, AVP receptor mRNA levels are expressed at high levels in the hypoglossal (XII) motor nucleus in adult mice. Recordings from individual XII motoneurons demonstrated that AVP has excitatory effects on young XII motoneurons, although the signaling pathways and effector ion channels remain to be fully elucidated. Additionally, previous research demonstrated that GABAergic disinhibition within the paraventricular nucleus of adult male rats, which has the effect of promoting AVP release, led to stimulation of breathing and increased diaphragm and genioglossus (innervated by XII, primary tongue protruder) muscle activity. Whether AVP acts directly at XII motoneurons to potentiate inspiratory bursting is unknown. Our aim was to characterize the effects of AVP on inspiratory bursting behavior at XII motoneurons. To test our hypothesis that AVP will potentiate inspiratory bursting behavior, we utilized an in vitro medullary brainstem slice (600 µM) preparation of neonatal (postnatal day, P0-5) CD1 mouse brains of either sex that contains the nuclei for respiratory movement of the tongue. By superfusing the slice with warmed artificial cerebral spinal fluid, we were able to record inspiratory bursting activity using a suction electrode under baseline conditions and in response to local drug application. Local injections of AVP at 0.01 µM had little effect on inspiratory bursting amplitude (111% ± 3% of baseline, n=6), but at 0.1 µM or 1 µM, initial results suggest it increased inspiratory burst amplitude (134% ± 5% of baseline, n=13 and 130% ± 8% of baseline, n=7 respectively, p = 0.0889). The excitatory effect of AVP was significantly diminished using a V1a receptor antagonist, d(CH2)51Tyr(Me)2Arg8) Vasopressin (500nM) (Initial AVP increase in burst amplitude: 141% ± 8%; AVP after antagonist: 113% ± 4%; AVP after washout: 120% ± 3%, n=10, p = 0.0437). Vasopressin and oxytocin are closely related nonapeptides, and since the XII motor nucleus also expresses oxytocin receptors, we next tested whether the AVP effects could be attributed to activation of the oxytocin receptor. Our preliminary results suggest that the oxytocin receptor antagonist, L-371,257 (50nM), did attenuate the response of AVP (Initial AVP increase in burst amplitude: 144% ± 11%; AVP after antagonist: 114% ± 5%; AVP after Washout: 122% ± 6%, n=8, p = 0.0901). Lastly, we discovered that vasopressin-related potentiation of inspiratory burst amplitude has an age-dependent increase from P0-5 (regression fit: y=13.933x+12.401, R2=0.4411, p=0.000402). Our results indicate that vasopressin, acting at V1a, and possibly oxytocin, receptors, can potentiate XII inspiratory bursting behavior in neonatal mice. Whether vasopressin has a role in maintaining airway patency in vivo in adult animals will need to be addressed in future studies.

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