
In this review, the current knowledge on anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is presented, concerning its value in disease and IVF treatment as well as in terms of its prospective clinical use. AMH is becoming the most appropriate biomarker for the ovarian reserve measured predominantly for assisted reproductive treatment (ART) patients in comparison to the currently used antral follicle count (AFC). However, this is not the only way AMH measurements can be used in the clinics. Because of this, we reviewed the current literature for the use of AMH in current or prospective clinical practice. We found that AMH has a high predictive value in assessing the ovarian reserve, which can lead to a better efficiency of in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. It has a high potential to be developed as a staple diagnostic marker of ovarian disease, especially for ovarian cancers and even as a possible treatment tool for certain cancers. It could potentially be used to prevent oocyte loss due to chemo- or radiotherapy. AMH is an important hormone especially in women reproductive organs and is currently seen as the best biomarker for a multitude of uses in reproductive medicine. Currently, the biggest issue lies in the lack of international standardization of AMH. However, it is encouraging to see that there is interest in AMH in the form of research on its action and use in reproductive medicine.

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