
A growing body of work has revealed a role for the anterior and medial dorsal thalamus in memory. Very few studies, however, have used neuroimaging to test hypotheses regarding these structures’ predicted roles in associative memory encoding and retrieval. To fill this gap, our study used fMRI in a group of healthy adults as they performed a face-scene associative memory task. We are the first to report that greater deactivation of the anterior thalamus (AT) during encoding was related to subsequent memory. This finding suggests that the AT contributes to the gating of irrelevant information during memory formation. While the medial dorsal thalamus (MD) demonstrated a positive BOLD response during the memory decision, this activity was not significantly related to the ability to correctly choose the face that “matched” the paired scene, despite this region being implicated in familiarity memory. When contrasting connectivity to the medial temporal lobe between the anterior and medial dorsal thalamic nuclei, results revealed that the medial dorsal thalamus was more strongly connected to the hippocampus, perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal cortex. However, there was no relationship between anterior or medial dorsal thalamic functional connectivity with the MTL and memory success. These results were unexpected as extant theories of the function of the AT relate to its communication with the hippocampus and theories of the MD propose its function relates to communication with the prefrontal cortex. These findings provide novel evidence for differential roles of the anterior and medial dorsal thalamic nuclei in associative memory and inform existing models of the role of the extended hippocampal system in memory.

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