
In eutherian mammals, sex differentiation is initiated by expression of the testis-determining gene on the Y chromosome. Subsequent phenotypic development of the reproductive tract and genitalia depends on the production of hormones by the differentiated testis. In marsupials the mechanisms of phenotypic development may vary from this pattern, as differentiation of the scrotal primordia has been shown to occur before that of the gonad. Thus, the development of the scrotum in the marsupial has been regarded as an androgen-independent process. We have sought to clarify the ontogeny of scrotal development and the appearance of androgen receptor immunoreactivity by examining Monodelphis domesticaembryos/pups from 1 day prior to birth until 2 days after birth. We have also used immunocytochemistry to determine the expression of the key steroidogenic enzyme 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase as an indicator of when the developing gonad may be capable of synthesizing androgens. Expression of this enzyme was first detected in the gonads and adrenals of both sexes 1 day prior to birth and before the appearance of scrotal bulges. Androgen receptor immunoreactivity was detected in the scrotal anlagen of male opossum pups as early as 1 day following birth. This finding is significantly earlier than previous reports and coincides with the appearance 1 day after birth of distinct scrotal bulges. Androgen receptor immunoreactivity was also observed in the genital tubercles of male pups, but not female pups, 2 days after birth. These results suggest that androgens may play an important role in the development of the male genitalia at a much earlier stage than that indicated by previously published work and that scrotal development in this species may not be androgen-independent.

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