
The diseases of the locomotion system are the most frequent ones that generate long convalescence periods because of pain, sometimes associated with functional impotence. The effects of bio-phyto-dynamic modulators are fast, especially in the situations when the treatment includes all the suggestions, persisting in time, having a much faster implication at the beginning of the disease. The Universe is an energetic space in which the human being is influenced by pulsing magnetic-electrical fields permanently, because they intersect and influence the individual regularly. The human body is a masterpiece of nature, scheduled to live about 100-120 years, but it disappears before, as a result of the deterioration of its energetic structure beyond the toleration limits. Once the problems of physical body diseases occur, the organism is already in an advanced stage of disorders, rarely and only partially reversible. The factors that lead to the appearance of these types of energetic disturbances can be endo-genetic, exo-genetic or, in the most situations, mixed. Their impact on the energetic system can be brutal (acute) or insidious (chronic). The alterations of this system develop in a particular way and manifest depending on the aggression factors and on the initial state of the body. Referring to the initial state of human energy, as concerns the oriental medicine, the disease is not equivalent to the invasion (microbial, viral), but the body weakness that brings in the invasion . In other words as long as the energetic system of the human body is unaffected, the aggressions which belong to our usual environment will not be capable to lead to disease appearance. The deficiency of the energetic system can be a hereditary heritage or, most frequently, gained. The gained susceptibility for disease often refers to a fissure placed in the immune energetic system of the organism, a system in which the access of the external energies to the internal side of human body is more possible and aggressive. Many situations show that the gained susceptibility is an apparent deterioration of many points of the energetic network, most frequently as a result of a non-balanced alimentation, of the inadequate breathing, of body exposure to the external energies (the lack of sun exposure, prolonged staying in a cold or wet environment, in the electromagnetic area of mobile phones or of performance technology etc) or of non-respecting the biological stages. The possibility of quantification of the energetic system reserves for every individual by electro- acupuncture or the non-linear analyse and the public access to these top technologies as an energetic diagnose represent a superior stage of energetic medicine. At the same time these miraculous instruments help us infinitely to evaluate the patient and

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