
Forest Management is an important key to balancing the needs of human life with environmental sustainability. The needs of human life, which continue to increase every day, will certainly put more pressure on forest sustainability, so managing forests in a fair, wise, and prudent manner will certainly bring greater benefits. West Sulawesi Province has a total forest area of 1.06 million hectares, or around 63% of the total land area of West Sulawesi. As time goes by and the population increases, forest management becomes increasingly complex and creates many existing problems and challenges. To answer these problems and challenges, the role of each existing stakeholder is required. Stakeholders can also be said to be actors who have power, roles, relationships, power and interests; therefore, it is very important to research related actors who play an active role and have great power in forest management in West Sulawesi using actor analysis methods. This method will later map and capture every actor involved in forest management in West Sulawesi into groups that have power and interests. So by knowing their power and interests, it is hoped that forest management in West Sulawesi will get better in the future.

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