
The system integration approach of education in the methodical system of preparation of the future Ukrainian language teacher is described in the article on the basis of the usage of theoretical, observational historical and logical methods. The article explains the concepts of “approach” and “approach to language learning”. The author defines “approach” as an integrative system architectonics of linguistic theory, linguistics, practical skills and foundations of the scientific activity based on principles, methods, techniques, tools and forms of learning, according to the specific educational goals of linguistic formation competencies of the future Ukrainian language teachers. The terms “approach” and “aspect” of learning are analyzed in this paper, and their identity, which is based on the analysis of scientific sources, is established. The classifications of approaches to teaching in pedagogy and linguistics are reviewed. Competent, cognitive-communicative, communicative-active, text-centric, functional-stylistic approaches are defined as the main ones in the study. The expediency of using a system integration approach to the formation of a linguistic competence of the future Ukrainian language teachers (the components of which are phonetic, lexicological, grammatical, spelling, stylistic subcompetences), based on the study of linguistic courses in their harmonized, subordinate and complementary system, with an emphasis on the study of the information volume of the disciplines, where each linguistic phenomenon is considered holistically and in a clear hierarchy, is justified. The lexicographic analysis of the definitions “system” and “integrative” as the initial concepts of a system integration approach has been carried out. The system of linguistic disciplines, including ten courses (Ukrainian language practicum, Modern Ukrainian literary language, Introduction to linguistics, Ukrainian dialectology, Language culture, Ancient Slavic language, History of the Ukrainian language, Historical grammar of the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language stylistics, General linguistics, Linguistic analysis of the text), constituting subsystems, which, interacting clearly, represent linguistic science, the complexity of its structure, multidimensionality aspects, is given. The scheme of a system-integration approach that demonstrates the integrity and consistency of mastering linguistic disciplines is proposed. The opportunities to integrate on linguistic theme that will promote the versatile assimilation with the prospect of study acts school are described.

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