
Conflict that had been over is not meant harmless. Conflict resolution that relies on written agreement and by creating all of the actors to be “silent” is the beginning effort, in order that societies have a trusty that there is an intention for reconcilement. This reconciliation should be followed up. At this rate, it is important to dig the potency of real conflict resolution. The source of conflict in Puger Kulon, is understood as the difference ideology between Sunni-Syiah that “covers” private conflict among families. „ustad‟ Fauzi (Sunni) and Habib Ali Umar al Habsyi (Syiah). This study uses political and economical approach, and it is successful in finding a description about significant role of state corporation institution in relation to the power. RT/RW as a part of civil institution that is used by the government since New Orde seems having synergy with local power in having reconciliation of conflict in Puger, of course, with natural activity. For instance, for example, with a Group of Puger Fishermen Associations, which is injected by government economic aid facilities, where important people RT/RW, and the village government, enter into management associations. On the other hand, the RT/RW also synergize with the Annahdiyah NU (Nahdatul Ulama / forum of recitation by the teacher), which is a purely manifestation civil group. This role is a form of metamorphosis from his formal role. Role in conflict resolution is effectively done through recitation that is followed the entire citizens on a regular basis. This study safely deal that has been reached when the conflict peaked. Thus, a rational conflict resolution effort is conducting institutional strengthening RT/RW.

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