
Abstract The human resources department represents a particular capital, which needs being listened to, motivation and training for the achievements of the organization’s objectives. The employee contributes or prevents the right turn of the things going on into a company. People are different from each other, and the transfer of practices considered standard in an activity or organization becomes inappropriate in another environment with different cultural and professional values. Human resources specialists avoid passing examples of good practice to other organizations due to the fact that successful recipes in a certain environment are impractical in another. It is vital to create a motivational climate and an organizational culture that facilitates employee integration into the institution's needs and personal goals to match to organizations. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire applied to a representative sample of teaching staff in pre-university education in Dâmboviţa County. The teachers carry out their activity in academic high schools, technological and vocational schools. The data was used to outline an overview of what human resources are for the organization and to what extent it influences its performance.

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