
At the Great National Assembly which was held in Novi Sad on November 25th 1918, National Administration for the territory of Banat, Backa and Banat was established. The Great National Council was also established on the same occasion as an body of legislative authority in the territory of Vojvodina. National Administation was an authority of executive power and had 11 sections in its composition. One of the most important was the Section of Internal Affairs. Its activities were, among others, aimed to establishing police forces in order to provide secure setting for citizens in the territory of Vojvodina in the insecure circumstances immediately after the World War I. Some of the activities of the Internal Affairs Section are presented in the paper mostly based on data from relevant funds in the Archives of Vojvodina.


  • At the Great National Assembly which was held in Novi Sad on November 25th 1918, National Administration for the territory of Banat, Bačka and Banat was established

  • The Great National Council was established on the same occasion as an body of legislative authority in the territory of Vojvodina

  • National Administation was an authority of executive power and had 11 sections in its composition

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Кључне речи: Народна управа за Банат, Бачку и Барању, Одсек за унутрашње послове, подручје Војводине, Министарство унутрашњих дела Краљевине Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца. Надлежност Народне управе за Банат, Бачку и Барању на подручју ограниченом демаркационом линијом била је предмет дописа-наредбе који је Одсек за унутрашње послове упутио, у јануару 1919.

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