
The article is the analysis of the current issues related to gender policy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article presents the principle of equality that has a number of manifestations, one of which is the principle of gender equality meaning equal approach to all relevant issues regardless of gender. Gender stereotypes, gender behavioural norms and problems of gender identification in the modern Ukrainian society are analysed. The problem of gender differences is associated with the fact that due to the continuous dynamic changes in the world, more and more questions arise as to the impact of certain gender stereotypes on professional activities of a person. One of the currently discussed issues is the impact of gender mainstreaming on the role of women in the military, as well as the impact on the effectiveness of military operations with their participation.The results of the research confirm that the principle of equal rights and possibilities for the service people of both genders is implemented in the army; however there is still the necessity to strengthen educational activities among the personnel, first of all, among the units and subdivisions of Ukraines Armed Forces. For the last few years, considering the fulfilment of assigned tasks in both everyday life and combat operations, the role of servicewomen has increased. To determine theoretical foundations of that problem the theoretical methods of generalisation, scientific analysis and synthesis were implemented. Corresponding software was used to process empirical data and to conduct analytical calculations. Analytical processing of information was engaged to solve the problem of scientific analysis of the events as a holistic phenomenon.

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