
The energy transformation of EU countries brings challenges in the field of energy policies and forms of state support. Moreover, the introduction of new technologies and the production of energy from renewable sources often face resistance and negative attitudes from the population. Slovakia is a country, which, in addition to decarbonisation, needs to diversify resources and reduce energy dependence on Russia. Especially after the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022. One of the forms of energy production that has experienced rapid growth is anaerobic digestion in agricultural biogas plants. In the example of Slovakia, this study evaluates the impact of European and national energy policies on changes in the energy mix and the development of energy production from biogas. Subsequently, in the form of guided interviews with biogas plant managers and mayors, and a questionnaire survey in the affected municipalities, it identifies the perception of biogas plants and identifies the factors that shape it. The results show that after the optimization of national energy policies and forms of subsidies, the rapid development of energy production from biogas has slowed down. However, the lessons learned from the case studies offer important insights on how to eliminate the resistance of the local population to the operation of a biogas plant and the overall negative attitudes towards this form of energy production. All the surveyed communities sensitively perceive the negative effects of the biogas plants operation. However, in communities that share the benefits from the plant´s operation (taxes, sponsorship, good image, established economic activities, and new jobs), the plant acceptance is much better. Technology as such, as well as the idea of building additional biogas plants, have much better support in these communities. URL: https://www.gcass.science.upjs.sk/

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