
The article is devoted to the study of the place and role of parliamentary associations of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the formation of a unified system of interregional integration at the initial stage of the federal reform in 2000-2005. The object of the study is the parliamentary associations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the subject is the process of including parliamentary associations in the emerging system of interregional integration and cooperation. The following aspects of the problem are considered: the formation of state policy regarding interregional cooperation of the subjects of the Federation and the participation of parliamentary associations in this process; the organization of interaction between the Federation Council, presidential plenipotentiaries in federal districts and parliamentary associations; the conditions and main directions of activity of interparliamentary associations in the context of the redistribution of powers on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the center and regions. General scientific and special historical research methods were used as the methodological basis of the work: methods of analysis and synthesis, historical-genetic, problem-analytical and historical-comparative methods, as well as the method of structural and functional analysis. The author concludes that the potential of parliamentary associations operating in Russia since the early 1990s has been used to form a system of managed interregional integration. They were included in the joint legislative process on the subjects of joint jurisdiction of the center and the subjects of the Federation by establishing cooperation with the Federation Council and exercising general control over their activities by the presidential Plenipotentiary representative in the federal districts. The study showed that in response to the centralizing policy of the federal center, the parliamentary associations operating in 2000-2005, in order to promptly respond to the requests of the federal center, centralize their organizational foundations and transfer the main levers of management of associations to the heads of legislative authorities of the regions. It is noted that under the conditions of legislative restrictions, the activities of associations are mainly concentrated around issues that are jointly managed by the center and the regions. At the same time, their ability to influence the legislative process is significantly reduced, as well as to defend the consolidated position of the legislative bodies of state power of the subjects of the Federation before the federal authorities.

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