
This article discusses the role and challenges of the Southeast Johor Development Authority (KEJORA) particularly in rural economic development based on the KEJORA Regional Village Development Roadmap Master Plan. The plan has emphasised on the need to further strengthen the function of the establishment of KEJORA in maintaining the current planning aspects of the countryside in Southeast Johor and the surrounding areas beyond its influence. KEJORA has managed to develop the economic status and human capital development of the villagers in its area. Various projects under the implementation and management of KEJORA have been developed and benefited the villagers especially in agriculture, animal husbandry, tourism, agro-based industry, and resettlement of the population. KEJORA is also the only rural government agency that not only plans but also ensures that its implementation can provide overall benefits to the villagers. This is in line with the Rural Development Policy 2030 (DPLB). Looking at the strategies and projects that have been implemented, it is clear that KEJORA is more of a role as a coordinator to the rural community. This article also discusses various challenges that must be faced by KEJORA theoretically and technically, especially in overcoming problems related to rural economic development.

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