
Abstract The speaker will present the perspective of civil society, as well as its extensive work to raise awareness and bring together stakeholders committed to tackling AMR across Europe. The Stakeholder Network on AMR, hosted within the European Commission's Healthcare Policy Platform, along with the resulting Roadmap for Action on AMR will be presented. The speaker will explain how the Roadmap and the key strategies and targets identified encompass a 'One-Health' approach, emphasising that AMR can only be addressed through concerted cross-sectoral actions, ranging from infection prevention, better diagnostics and supporting Member States in implementing National Action Plans. The links between AMR and other EU initiatives such as the emerging Cancer Plan, the Farm to Fork Strategy and the European Green Deal will also be elaborated on. Finally, the role of the European Parliament in ensuring that AMR stays high on the agenda and mobilising Member States to act, will be discussed in the context of a newly established MEP Interest Group on AMR with an ambitious strategic work programme for the Parliamentary term 2019 - 2024.

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