
Life is full of risk—everyday we encounter all sorts of hazards, some of which are unavoidable. Eating and drinking are paramount to maintaining life, but unfortunately, are also coupled with a multitude of potential and sometimes fatal health risks. These risks are not to be taken lightly, which is highlighted by the current increase in obesity and related diseases in the developed world, a trend that has the World Health Organization worrying about a growing epidemic of obesity (WHO/FAO, 2003). Similarly, public health officials are increasingly concerned about a dramatic increase in diabetes and coronary heart diseases that are caused by an inappropriate and ultimately hazardous diet. But food holds many more health risks, and recognizing these would greatly benefit human health. > …obesity has become a leading cause of death in the USA, second only to smoking The extent to which consumers identify and appreciate food‐related risks, and allow this knowledge to direct their eating and drinking behaviour, is therefore of great research interest. In this article, we first detail the most significant sources of food and drink health risks and discuss the implications of consumers’ perceptions of these hazards. This discussion touches on generic research on how people perceive risks and considers the reasons behind apparent ‘misperceptions’ of risks. We also want to emphasize that, in the face of limited scientific knowledge, consumer concerns may be well grounded, and that scientists and policy makers would do well to consider the basis for consumer beliefs in order to preempt future food‐ and drink‐related health and policy crises. ![][1] A comprehensive list of all hazards associated with eating and drinking would clearly be beyond the scope of this article. Furthermore, the nature and degree of the different food and drink hazards is often specific for both time and culture. For instance, the … [1]: /embed/graphic-1.gif

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